7 Reasons Why You Should See a Dermatologist

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According to The Skin Cancer Foundation, 1 out of 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70. With over 3 million new cases of skin cancer diagnosed in the U.S. each year, a dermatology visit should be at the top of your to-do list.

1. You find a mole that is changing in shape and size

An atypical mole can be found anywhere on your face or body, so it is important to inform your dermatology specialist about any suspicious moles that have changed over time. Your dermatologist may help you decide if it is necessary to remove the mole and send it for testing.

2. You have persistent skin irritation

Skin rashes and eczema deserve more attention than you think. While different skin problems can be caused by products, some flare-ups can be treated with prescribed treatments by a skin specialist.

3. You want to clear up your complexion

Adults are not immune to acne breakouts, but there are a lot more reasons than may be causing pimples than you think. It is best to take the time and go to a professional dermatology specialist to provide personalized care. During a consultation, the skin doctor will guide you on treating current and preventing future acne.

4. You find warts on your skin

Warts are benign growths that are caused by an infection on the top layer of the skin. Although they are typically harmless, you may want to visit a dermatologist for treatment or removal — especially if the wart hurts or you have many of them.

5. You notice excessive hair loss

Although your hair is constantly growing and replacing itself, excessive hair loss is a sign of something abnormal. Booking a dermatologist near me will help you in stopping, minimizing, and reversing hair loss.

6. You have rough patches on your face or body

This skin disease is commonly known as psoriasis. Common signs and symptoms of psoriasis include a rash with itchy and scaly patches on the knees, elbows, or lower back. Your dermatologist may recommend products with active ingredients such as salicylic acid or coal tar to control flare-ups.

7. You have obvious scars

Scars occur on the skin for a variety of reasons like after a cut, scrape, burn, or sore. You may want to consider treatment if a scar makes you feel uncomfortable. A dermatology specialist can tell you what type of treatment may diminish your scar.

Dermatology in Garden Grove

As the biggest organ of your body, your skin deserves time and effort in order to maintain its health and functions! Book your dermatology appointment in Garden Grove!


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