Laser Hair Removal in Orange County, CA

The Ultimate Solution for Smooth and Hairless Skin

Laser hair removal is an innovative and effective procedure that permanently eliminates unwanted hair from any part of the body using light energy. It is a superior alternative to conventional methods such as shaving, waxing, or plucking, which are time-consuming, costly, and irritating.

Derma Noor Med Spa is your trusted partner for achieving smooth and hairless skin. We have a team of board-certified dermatologists and skincare specialists who have extensive experience and expertise in performing laser hair removal treatments. We use the latest and safest laser technology that is FDA-approved and suitable for all skin types and tones. We also offer a complimentary consultation and patch test to assess your skin and hair condition and address any concerns you may have.

When you choose Derma Noor Med Spa for your laser hair removal, you can expect:

  • High-quality service: We have over a decade of delivering excellent results to our clients.

  • Professional and qualified staff: Our staff are trained and certified in laser hair removal and follow the highest standards of safety and hygiene.

  • Modern and comfortable facility: Our facility is equipped with advanced and painless laser devices that provide fast and effective treatments.

  • Friendly and caring team: We treat you with respect and compassion and make sure you are comfortable and relaxed throughout your visit.

  • Reasonable and flexible prices: We offer competitive prices and payment plans that suit your budget.

  • Happy and loyal customers: We have a high satisfaction rate and a strong referral base.

Don’t wait any longer. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation. Let us help you achieve your dream of having smooth and hairless skin.

Treat Now, Pay Later with Payment Plans

Reach your beauty goals today!

  • All the girls are so sweet and make an uncomfortable laser treatment not as uncomfortable. The results I've had from the laser was definitely what I wanted.

    — Jennifer G.

  • Highly recommend if you're looking for a place to get laser hair removal.

    — Sarah C.

  • I've been getting hair laser removal done, Derma Noor has been very detail oriented and the treatment has been very affective! 1000% would recommend anyone to go here for any of their services!!!!

    — Kattina D.


  • Laser hair removal is a permanent and painless solution for unwanted hair. It uses light energy to target and destroy the hair follicles, preventing them from growing back. The laser can treat any area of the body, such as the face, legs, arms, bikini line, chest, back, and more.

  • Laser hair removal can save you time, money, and hassle compared to traditional methods like shaving, waxing, or plucking. It can also improve your skin texture and appearance by reducing ingrown hairs, razor bumps, and irritation. Laser hair removal can also boost your confidence and self-esteem by giving you smooth and hairless skin.

  • Laser hair removal is suitable for anyone who wants to get rid of unwanted hair permanently and painlessly. It works for all skin types and tones, thanks to our advanced and FDA-approved laser technology. However, some factors may affect the results, such as your skin color, hair color, hair thickness, hormonal changes, and medical conditions. That’s why we offer a free consultation and patch test to assess your suitability and customize your treatment plan.

  • The number of sessions you need depends on the area you want to treat, your hair growth cycle, and your desired results. Typically, most clients need 6 to 8 sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart to achieve optimal results. Each session can last from 15 minutes to an hour or more depending on the size of the area.

  • During the treatment, you will feel a slight sensation of heat or tingling as the laser passes over your skin. We use a cooling device to minimize any discomfort and protect your skin. After the treatment, you may experience some redness or swelling in the treated area, which will subside within a few hours or days. We will provide you with aftercare instructions and products to soothe and moisturize your skin.

  • Laser hair removal is a safe and effective procedure when performed by trained and certified professionals using the appropriate equipment and settings. At Derma Noor Med Spa, we follow the highest standards of safety and hygiene to ensure your comfort and satisfaction. The most common side effects of laser hair removal are temporary redness or swelling in the treated area. Rarely, some clients may experience blistering, scarring, infection, or changes in skin color. These risks can be minimized by following our pre-treatment and post-treatment instructions.

  • The cost of laser hair removal varies depending on the area you want to treat, the number of sessions you need, and the type of laser you choose. We offer competitive prices and payment options to fit your budget. We also offer discounts and packages for multiple areas or sessions. You can contact us for a free consultation and quote.